Essay, Research Paper: Romeo And Juliet Love

Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet

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In the Shakespearean Tragedy, Romeo and Juliet we discover how strong the power
of love really is. Romeo and Juliet never attempt to change the position of the
two opposing households with their hearts but tragically succeed in the end,
with the taking of their lives. They both kept the news of their actions hidden
from their family but Juliet was the one who lied ridiculously to her parents,
especially to her mother, someone who she should’ve learned to trust. But how
could she? Lady Capulet was often portrayed as a cold and distant authority
figure that Juliet feared instead of loved and confided in. A loving
relationship between the two should’ve been established from the beginning.
“ When it did taste the wormwood on the nipple of my dug and felt it bitter,
pretty fool, to it tetchy and fall out with the dug,” (Shakespeare 749). This
quote by Nurse Angelica informs us that not only did Lady Capulet not bond with
Juliet by letting her drink the milk of her breasts, but also permitted the
nurse to become more of a motherly figure for Juliet. Lady Capulet was too
morally selfish to see that her daughter was going to grow up to love and a
trust Nurse Angelica instead of her self. When she finally recognizes her faults
in raising Juliet, it is too late! That’s why when Juliet seeks advice about
the virtues of love her mother is never in consideration. Many mixed feelings
keep Juliet from revealing the truth to her mother. Within them lies the fear of
her mother’s disapproval of her grand devotion for Romeo. Lady Capulet imposes
fear upon Juliet by festering her about marrying County Paris. She succeeds when
Juliet responds to her badgering by announcing, “I’ll look to like, if
looking liking move; but no more deep will I endart mine eye then your consent
gives strength to make it fly,” (Shakespeare 751). This shows that Lady
Capulet has such a control over her daughter that consent is needed over her
marriage decisions. The friend is not found in her mother but instead a figure
of authority is found. So then, who is the real crony? Nurse Angelica is the
person that Juliet trusted the most with her troubles. She's announced as the
real mother silently within Juliet's actions. But the trust that has developed
between them that could never sprout among her mother and she soon takes a
plummet to the ruins of betrayal. Nurse Angelica tells Juliet to marry Paris and
forget her Romeo. Juliet soon storms into wild frenzy and spits bitter words
against the nurse, “Ancient damnation! O most wicked fiend,” (Shakespeare
815). At this point, a girl would most commonly turn to her mother for some
words of wisdom. Lady Capulet is the mother, but not in the eyes of Juliet
because their relationship was never tightly knit or knit at all. Juliet was far
too frightened of the passionless authority figure in Lady Capulet that she
didn’t allow her emotions to ever connect with her mothers. Thus, the secrets
that Juliet kept were revealed until the end when she lied dead on the floor of
the vault. That was when Lady Capulet realized how distant her relationship
really was with her daughter. The gap between them must have been one of the
factors that lead to Juliet’s secrets and ended in the taking of her life. If
her mother would’ve have interrogated Juliet on her feelings, she might have
noticed Juliet was keeping something. Lady Capulet played her character
impeccable but as the mother, she failed capturing the real motherly role!
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